HP(health Point)

The VRS ecosystem is a health network system for all users to create a healthier lifestyle. Providers should create, upgrade, and provide better services, and users have to participate, use, and generate data to build healthy life style In order to operate this ecosystem smoothly, HP is very essential. HP will be a constant motivator for users and will be used to balance VRS ecosystem's amount of currency with cyberpoints in systems where VRS tokens are supplied to the ecosystem. consumer can purchase premium features or a variety of services with HP, and also they can purchase additional options related to information that they need to maintain and take care of their health on VRS platforms such as reminder services and reporters based on submitted data. HP is used as the following rules. These rules are designed to encourage ecosystem activities and provide special services to users, and also established to prevent the collapse of token economy. The ultimate goal of VRS is to develop the broad range of products and services available to owners on a much wider network. In the future, our company aims to revitalize the user-generated data market for sports or health-related, industries, health insurance, research institutes, big data companies, etc that are interested in accessing data for VRS digital wallet users. To conclude, the core of the VRS system is that users can determine who they can trust to manage their data, know exactly what they share and gain rewards based on it.

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